Time, Priorities, and the Fire Within

The longer I stay alive, the more real it seems that my remaining time is finite. However much time we ultimately get, how can we best manage that time? When it comes to making meaning in our lives, a secret often overlooked by time-management "experts" is that using our time effectively always trumps efficiency. This week, we'll look at how to make procrastination our friend, ways to manage our time more effectively (not efficiently!), and how to prioritize the things that really matter -- letting go of what matters less. We'll wrap up with the UU ritual of Fire Communion, where we'll embody a "leaning in" to our hopes and dreams, and literally "turn loose" of negatives that may be hindering or de-energizing us.
If you join us through Facebook Live, you can participate with us in Fire Communion by preparing beforehand a pen or pencil, a few small pieces of paper (perhaps 2 or 3 inches square), and a bowl of water.
As ASWUU's Worship Coordinator, Bob plans worship services, arranges for outside speakers, and leads our members who lead worship services and serve as worship associates on Sunday mornings. Bob holds a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Oregon. Since 2015, he has provided pulpit supply for UU and liberal Presbyterian churches. From 2018 to 2023, Bob served as a community minister as the founder and executive director of Justice Jobs of Maryland, a free employment office for people experiencing barriers to employment in Frederick, MD. Now retired (and happy about that), Bob and his wife Connie live near Conway, SC. In community life, he currently volunteers in the warehouse and writes grant proposals for East Carolina Housing Organization (ECHO) of Myrtle Beach, and he serves as Team Leader for Economic Justice with the South Carolina UU Legislative Ministry (SCUUJA).
The service will begin at 11am. The service will be available on Facebook Live for those who wish to participate remotely. Go to the ASWUU Facebook page and click the Live link.
This week, we will have our monthly potluck after the service. The coffee, tasty treats, and conversation are not to be missed! You may bring a dish to share if you would like to do so.