The Power of Deep Thinking-Can Any Love Be Truly Unconditional

Dear ASWUU Family and Friends,
Life has become hectic. We’ve become so used to the state of being constantly occupied that we seldom stop to reflect on our lives. Vast numbers of people live their lives on autopilot. They are no longer questioning how they think and behave but let routines, patterns, and coincidences shape their lives. Thought-provoking questions can introduce beneficial change to your life. These deep questions will help you to take a more reflective approach to life. They will also challenge you to live more consciously and to create a more meaningful existence. The beauty about these thought-provoking questions is that they encourage you to go beyond your limitations. The questions can ignite the fire within you that helps you to question long-held but false assumptions and beliefs about your life and shed them in order to discover the truth.
Please join us this Sunday. There will be coffee hour after the service. Please bring a snack to share. The service will be available on Facebook Live for those who prefer not to gather in person. Go to the ASWUU Facebook page and click the Live link. The service will begin at 11am.